Thursday, February 17, 2011

[Som] Fake hearing by Shailesh Gandhi

Here is the audio of alleged "fake hearing". This audio was leaked (at indianleaks).

This is how a citizen was robbed of his right to equality before law. This hearing allegedly took place few weeks after Director of IIMA hosted Shailesh Gandhi. In his complaint to CIC Mr. Bhatt alleged that he was denied chance to attend discourses of IC Shailesh Gandhi while management of IIMA remained present. In the tape Shailesh Gandhi is heard extending favors (as alleged in ripoff report) to Secretary of IIM Board of Gov. Since then CIC decision on MoM declaration is awaited.

Do all Babus influence judiciary like this? Is this how other commissioners at CIC conduct themselves?

Send protest emails to these people. Email addresses of commissioners and members of IIMA BoG are available in leaked documents,
"0 Appeal to the Whole Commission.pdf"
"100916 Ketan 2 BoG.pdf"

Posted By Blogger to Som at 2/17/2011 09:00:00 AM

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